From 7:00pm31st Oct
Alternator Poetry SLAM October

Round up scallywags! Time for another headlong run at the notorious Alternator Poetry at Dust Temple!
You know the rules as always: – First 12 on the door get in the comp – You got 2 minutes to throw down your poem – Judges chosen at random from the audience – Your poem may be about absolutely whatever you want!
Joining us as feature poet for this months SLAM will be Otto Nomous Some of you may know him from his smashing performances at the Nimbin Poetry Slam.
Otto Nomous AKA Otto Egan-Schulz is a writer and performance poet from the northern rivers, NSW. With a love of words, he uses them to express messages from eclectic sources for those to interpret as wished, felt and heard.
Entry is $10 on the door! See you there.