From 6:00pm30th Nov
Exhibition Opening ~ Jen Robson – Migration

Contemplating the movement of people, plants & animals across various environments, over a range of different times & place.
Observing the ‘push & pull’ factors of our thoughts & emotions across internal landscapes that create the momentum of movement & change. A reflection on the why, where & how of the individual’s journey. Trying to place my feet on these landscapes – past, present & future – & discover the range of possible answers to the questions of: Why are they moving? Where are they going? What have they left behind? Will they return? Will it be different on their return? Can they return?
By depicting the migrating people as simplified ink shapes, time & place is interchangeable & the landscapes on which the migration occurs is open to the viewer’s interpretation.
About Jen
Jen is a self taught artist. Through a range of artistic interests, Jen has created an online gallery & design house based on her original artworks. Being self taught, it has been a ‘map-free’ winding path of new discoveries.
From a young age Jen was interested in helping her Dad fix & build things. Not able to hold her concentration span as long as the job required, Jen would wander off & discover what else was in the shed to play with.
You still find Jen in sheds & other industrial yards discovering materials & traditional construction methods, trying to figure out how else these new bits & pieces can be transformed into something else.
This poking around industrial areas has lead Jen down the path of mixing commercial & traditional techniques, creating inky watercolour based artworks with an industrial twist.
Working from her hand-built studio in the untamed jungle of her Tamborine Mountain backyard, Jen is surrounded by the never ending source of her inspiration.
Jen enjoys offering the ability to tell an art story throughout a home or workspace, not just on the walls, but as functional art pieces like textiles, occasional furniture & wallpaper as well.