From 6:00pm19th Aug
Life Drawing Sessions
Life Drawing Sessions, known for its expansive and diverse take on the traditional life drawing class is once again exploring a new way to inspire. On August 19th Life Drawing Sessions will be hosting their first ever concept night. The night is themed around an image that is shared with both the model and musicians prior to the event to explore the feeling and emotion they evoke from the image. This feeling will then set the theme and feeling for the night, creating a shared intention between muse and musician. For this session three of the Gold Coast’s most stunning female singers, Julie Hayes, Naomi Connell and Sarah Shah join forces to create sound and harmony inspired by the below image. Two female life models who explore body movement as a reaction to feeling and sound are to be the visual muses for the night. So on this night, step into the Hinge Gallery with us as we take a journey inspired by the ethereal realm of the endless sky above.
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