From 7th Aug-6th Sep
Dean Cogle Portrait Prize 2022

Catalogue of works
The Dean Cogle Portrait Prize 2022. PEOPLES CHOICE – VOTE NOW by following this link Vote Peoples Choice 2022
Dean Cogle was the first resident artist at Dust Temple and started the Portrait Prize in 2015. He brought so much to the creative landscape of the Gold Coast, an understated instigator of culture for over 40 years. We are honoured to be able to continue to present the Dean Cogle Portrait Prize with the gracious support of Michelle Neumann.
The Dean Cogle Portrait Prize has a finalist selection, those selected are hung in our gallery for the month of August. All entries received can opt into our online gallery and made available for sale with supporting social media posts. The Dean Cogle Portrait Prize offers a first prize of $5000.00, proudly sponsored by Michelle Neumann, the prize winner is announced on opening night. In 2022 we are honoured to announce that Tracy Cooper Lavery will be this years judge of the Major Prize.
Tracy Cooper Lavery is Director, Gallery & Visual Arts at HOTA Home of the Arts Gold Coast. Tracy is an arts museum leader (raised on the GC) with a career spanning 25 years including Director of Rockhampton Museum of Art and Senior Curator at Bendigo Art Gallery. She has curated numerous exhibitions on Australian and international art and is the curator of the forthcoming international exhibition Contemporary Masters: Art from the Mugrabi Collection, New York.
Along with the major prize, the packing room prize, chosen by Dust Temple staff and the Dean Cogle Family Prize (aka the professor possum)chosen by Sharyn Hallas and Dean Cogles family will be announced on opening night. The Peoples choice vote runs throughout the term of the exhibition with the winner announced on the eve of the closing date.